
Membership/HES STORE

Membership in the oldest entomological society in the Pacific is affordable. At $40 for regular membership and $10 for students, you get a copy of the Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society and discounted hotel accodations in Hawai‘i and Guam through the Pacific Business Connection.

You can join either by paying with a credit card at the HES Store or by sending a check to: 

Mr. Darcy Oishi, Treasurer

Hawaiian Entomological Society

1428 S. King St.

Honolulu, HI 96814

Don’t forget to fill out the membership form!

Finally, please donate to HES! Unless otherwise specificed, your donations will go to the operating costs for the Society. You can also donate to the Kanjyo and Bertha Sakimura Fund which offers annual rewards for the best entomology projects at the Hawai‘i State Science Fair or the Ray Joyce Award for Medical and Veterinary Entomology.

© DOD (Darcy Oishi Designs) 2015