Society News
Proposed change in the Proceedings format
A changed format (two-column, instead of single column text), is being considered for PHES. Please send comments to Mark Wright indicating whether you would be supportive or not. All opinions will be discussed by the PHES editorial board, and HES executive committee.
If necessary, we will vote on the matter at a formal HES meeting.
Mark (editor, PHES), Dan (co-editor, PHES)
2012 Insect Count Update!

Photos from this year's 2012 Big Island Insect Count are up! Thank you to all the HES members that participated:
- Rob Curtiss
- Jesse Eiben
- Emmett Easton
- Robert Hollingsworth
- Dennis Lapointe
- Linda Larish
A big mahalo goes to Rob Hollingsworth for putting everything together yet again and for being this year's guest speaker. Unfortunately Rob is stepping down from this role but don't worry, Jesse Eiben will be taking over. Mahalo to Jesse!
Thank you letter from the Morita Family
Hi Rob and Jessie,
Thank you so much for allowing us to participate in your great educational and interactive program on Saturday. Our family had a wonderful time and learned a lot about Entomology. I attached a few pictures of the event for your records.
Colin and I were looking forward to attending the Insect Count for months since reading about it in the HES website, and we were not disappointed. All the participating entomologists were extremely knowledgeable and kind teachers with us. I cannot even process all that we learned from the experience. It was a great opportunity for us to meet real entomologists and about current entomological research and some methods of study. Colin and I go hiking every weekend in Oahu to observe, photograph, and collect insects, and we definitely learned a lot of practical information about how to find and collect insect specimens in the field. We learned about the interaction of insects and their environment. We learned about how insects can multiply as an invasive species or can be controlled biologically. We also loved the demonstrations of live mosquito eggs/larvae, caterpillars, previously-undescribed spiders, dragonfly naiads, fly-rearing containers, and the many museum box specimens. Colin was especially inspired to learn more. He has been reading his Insect Field Guides nonstop since we came back home. He told me he wants to expand his insect zoo (currently consisting of stick insects, mantids, and lacewing larvae), to include flies, dragonfly naiads, and of course, more stick insects, mantids, and lacewing larvae.
Please extend our thanks to the hard work and preparation done by all the entomologists who made the event a great success. We hope to attend again next year.
Michon, Won, Colin, and Isabelle