Society News
September 2012 Quarterly Meeting
Please join us for Hawaiian Entomological Society's 1107th quarterly meeting! We are happy to announce Dr. Adam Vorsino as our guest speaker. Dr. Vorsino currently works as an Ecologist for the United States Fish & Wildlife modeling the Population and Landscape Ecology of both native and invasive species. He received his Ph.D from the Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences (Entomology) in 2011 while studying under his mentors, Mark G. Wright, Ph.D and Ania M. Wieczorek, Ph.D. During his graduate education Adam developed an interest in the application of landscape scale ecological techniques applied at both the species and population level. Under the tutelage and guidance of Dr's Wieczorek and Wright, Adam applied these techniques to both applied and fundamental questions.
Hilo residents, please join the meeting via Polycom at the Hilo office of USDA-ARS. Contact me if you have any questions!
HES Quarterly Meeting
September 12, 2012 (Wednesday)
2:00 pm
University of Hawaii Manoa
Gilmore 306